来源:http://www.sinokohl.com/ 时间: 2023-01-03 浏览次数: 0
Key one: environmental adaptation requirements of hydrocarbon washer
1、 使用温度要求不能超过 40摄氏度。
1. The operating temperature shall not exceed 40 ℃.
2、 设备周边湿度 75%,不宜太干燥。
2. The humidity around the equipment is 75%, and it should not be too dry.
3、 清洗房保持空气流通。(空气不流通情况下,通风系统在每小时不少于 2 万立方)
3. The cleaning room shall be ventilated. (The ventilation system shall not be less than 20000 cubic meters per hour in case of no air circulation)
4、 设备自带排风系统需接到室外。(排风系统为每小时 2200 立方)
4. The equipment's own exhaust system shall be connected to the outdoor. (2200 cubic meters per hour for exhaust system)
5、 设备摆放位置范围内 5米应安装防爆照明灯、防爆电器。
5. Explosion proof lighting lamps and explosion-proof electrical appliances shall be installed within 5m of the equipment.
6、 设备严禁阳光下爆晒,以免温度高,造成安全隐患。
6. The equipment shall not be exposed to the sun to avoid high temperature and potential safety hazards.
7、 设备周边 5米内严禁有火源及动火作业及避免粉尘。
7. No fire source, hot work and dust are allowed within 5m around the equipment.
8、 使用方应将电源直接安装在(设备电源箱内)并在离设备 1至 1.5米处离地面1.6米以上安装一台空气保护开关;(方便在设备检修时断电使用)如有专用的总电柜在现场必须离设备 5 米。
8. The user shall directly install the power supply (in the equipment power box) and install an air protection switch 1 to 1.5 meters away from the equipment and 1.6 meters above the ground; (Convenient for powering off during equipment maintenance) If there is a special main electrical cabinet on site, it must be 5 meters away from the equipment.
9、 冷水机应安放在离清洗设备旁 3—5米之间并安装排风管装置。 (排风量为2万立方每小时)
9. The chiller shall be placed 3-5 meters away from the cleaning equipment and installed with an exhaust pipe device. (Exhaust air volume is 20000 m3/h)
Key II: Safety and fire protection requirements for industrial cleaning machines
1. It is strictly prohibited to carry lighters or other kindling materials into the cleaning workshop on the equipment site, and fire source flow and open fire operation shall be strictly controlled.
2. The cleaning workshop shall be equipped with two 35kg manual dry powder fire extinguishers; And fire protection articles (masks, goggles, etc.).
3、设备自带自动二氧化碳及干粉消防系统,二氧化碳消防系统在设备内部温度达到42摄氏度或一分钟内温度上升5 摄氏度时会自动喷洒。
3. The equipment is equipped with automatic carbon dioxide and dry powder fire protection system. The carbon dioxide fire protection system will automatically spray when the internal temperature of the equipment reaches 42 ℃ or the temperature rises by 5 ℃ within one minute.
4、内部自带2台6公斤干粉灭火器,温度达到 68 摄氏度时干粉灭火器会自动喷洒。
4. Two 6kg dry powder fire extinguishers are equipped inside, which will automatically spray when the temperature reaches 68 ℃.

5、工业清洗机消防系统需专用消防电源(220V )不可与设备主电源共用,消防电源长期保持通电。
5. The special fire power supply (220V) required for the fire protection system of the industrial cleaning machine cannot be shared with the main power supply of the equipment, and the fire power supply remains energized for a long time.
6. Turn off the main power switch and the main air source when the equipment is out of service for more than 2 hours.
7. If the total power supply and gas supply of the equipment are required for more than 3 days in the holiday, the hydrocarbon in the tank shall be released and pulled away from the site, and stored in the hazardous chemical warehouse. During the holiday, the personnel shall regularly patrol to ensure safety.
8. It is strictly prohibited to use plastic fixtures containing various plastic hangers in the hydrocarbon cleaning machine to prevent potential safety hazards caused by static electricity;
Key 3. Precautions for control of hydrocarbon cleaning agent and liquid addition
1. Pay attention to prevent sparks caused by metal friction from causing combustion and explosion when moving hydrocarbons
2 、 不准用铁质工具去敲打出容器的盖子,开启大桶盖时,更好使用碰撞时不会发生火花的合金扳手。
2. It is not allowed to knock out the container cover with iron tools. When opening the large bucket cover, it is better to use an alloy wrench that will not spark in case of collision.
3 、 在清洗作业时应避免金属容器相互碰撞,更不能在水泥地面上滚动无垫圈的油桶。
3. During cleaning, metal containers shall not collide with each other, and it is not allowed to roll oil drums without gaskets on the cement floor.
4. When adding hydrocarbon cleaning agent, sealing glasses, long sleeved jacket, oil resistant gloves, safety boots, etc. shall be used.
5. Pneumatic pump or manual pump shall be used, and electric common pump shall not be used.
6. Hydrocarbon storage at the cleaning site shall not exceed 200L, and shall be placed in a fire cabinet away from fire sources.
7. Do not contact the solvent with halogen, strong acid, alkali, oxide and other substances, or keep it in the same place.
8. The waste liquid shall not be discarded to the sea, rivers, lakes, ponds and their vicinity as well as drainage ditches, and shall be collected and treated by professional institutions.
4. Emergency treatment
※ 吸入的情况下:立即转移到通风良好的场所,接受医生诊治处理。
※ In case of inhalation: immediately transfer to a well ventilated place and receive treatment from a doctor.
※ 进入眼内的情况下:立即用干净的水冲洗眼睛 15分钟以上,其后接受眼医诊断。
※ In case of entering the eye: immediately flush the eye with clean water for at least 15 minutes, and then receive the eye doctor's diagnosis.
※ 粘到皮肤的情况下:尽快脱下污染的衣服,用大量的水和肥皂冲洗皮肤。
※ In case of sticking to the skin: take off the contaminated clothes as soon as possible, and wash the skin with plenty of water and soap.
※ 喝入的情况下:不硬使其呕吐,保持安静 ,并尽快接受医生诊治处理。
※ In case of ingestion: do not force the patient to vomit, keep quiet, and receive medical treatment as soon as possible.
The hydrocarbon washer is cleaned by the hydrocarbon washer process. Jinan Keer Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd. focuses on the production of hydrocarbon washers. For more highlights, please click our website: http://www.sinokohl.com