来源:http://www.sinokohl.com/ 时间: 2023-07-10 浏览次数: 0
Through type cleaning machine is a common industrial cleaning equipment with the following usage characteristics:
1. 连续清洗:通过式清洗机通常采用传送带或者滚筒等传送装置,能够实现物体的连续供给和连续清洗。清洗机内部设置有多个工位,物体在传送过程中依次经过不同的清洗工序,完成多个环节的清洗。
1. Continuous cleaning: Through type cleaning machines usually use conveyor belts or rollers and other conveying devices to achieve continuous supply and cleaning of objects. The cleaning machine is equipped with multiple workstations, and objects undergo different cleaning processes during transportation to complete multiple stages of cleaning.
2. 高效率:通过式清洗机采用自动化控制系统,清洗过程可以根据设定的参数进行自动化操作。相比于手工清洗,通过式清洗机能够大大提高清洗的效率和生产能力,降低劳动强度,提高生产效率。
2. High efficiency: The through type cleaning machine adopts an automated control system, and the cleaning process can be automated according to the set parameters. Compared to manual cleaning, through type cleaning machines can greatly improve cleaning efficiency and production capacity, reduce labor intensity, and improve production efficiency.

3. 多工位设计:通过式清洗机通常具备多个工位,每个工位配备不同的清洗设备,如喷淋系统、浸泡槽、刷洗设备等。不同的工位可以进行不同的清洗工序,以适应不同物体的清洗需求。
3. Multi station design: Through type cleaning machines typically have multiple stations, each equipped with different cleaning equipment, such as spray systems, soaking tanks, brushing equipment, etc. Different workstations can perform different cleaning processes to meet the cleaning needs of different objects.
4. 多种清洗方法:通过式清洗机可以根据不同的清洗要求采用多种清洗方法,如喷淋清洗、浸泡清洗、刷洗清洗等。根据物体的材质和污垢种类,可以灵活选择合适的清洗方式,以达到良好的清洗效果。
4. Multiple cleaning methods: The through type cleaning machine can use various cleaning methods according to different cleaning requirements, such as spray cleaning, soaking cleaning, brushing cleaning, etc. According to the material of the object and the type of dirt, suitable cleaning methods can be flexibly selected to achieve good cleaning results.
5. 精确控制:通过式清洗机配备了精确的控制系统,可以对清洗参数进行精确控制,如清洗时间、温度、清洗剂浓度等。能够根据不同物体的清洗要求进行调整,保证清洗质量和效果。
5. Accurate control: The walk-through cleaning machine is equipped with an accurate control system, which can accurately control cleaning parameters, such as cleaning time, temperature, cleaning agent concentration, etc. Able to adjust according to the cleaning requirements of different objects, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of cleaning.
Through type cleaning machines have the characteristics of continuous cleaning, high efficiency, multi station design, multiple cleaning methods, and precise control. They are widely used in various industrial fields that require large-scale and efficient cleaning, such as automotive manufacturing, electronic production, mechanical processing, etc.
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