


来源:http://www.sinokohl.com/ 时间: 2021-06-10 浏览次数: 0

The principle of single groove industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine is to use the high frequency of ultrasonic wave to convert high-frequency kinetic energy through transducer, and then act on the liquid medium in the cleaning tank to make the liquid cavitate, continuously form countless tiny bubbles, and burst rapidly to produce impact force on the surface of the object, so as to separate the surface dirt, so as to achieve the cleaning effect. So how does it work? Before introducing this working principle, let's first understand what is ultrasound? Ultrasound is the number of vibrations per second scientists call the frequency of sound, and its unit is Hertz (Hz). The frequency of sound waves that our human ears can hear is 20Hz ~ 20000hz (20kHz). When the vibration frequency of sound wave is less than 20Hz or more than 20kHz, we can't hear it. Therefore, we call the sound wave whose frequency is higher than 20000 Hz "ultrasonic wave". Here, when many people use the industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine, they think it's the sound of ultrasonic when they hear the hum. In fact, it's just the sound of liquid cavitation.
The frequency of ultrasonic wave on single groove industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine is generally above 28kHz. Up to 128khz, commonly used is 40KHz, this frequency is more common, suitable for most workpiece cleaning. The lower the frequency, the lower the fineness of cleaning, but the strength will be stronger. On the contrary, the more fine the cleaning, but the strength will be weakened. Then the frequency is passed through the transducer, also known as ultrasonic driving power supply, electronic box and ultrasonic controller, which is an important part of high-power ultrasonic system. Driven by high-frequency ultrasound, the transducer vibrates hundreds of thousands of times per second. This vibration is transmitted to the cleaning tank tightly above, through which kinetic energy is transferred to the liquid in the tank. In this high frequency vibration, the liquid will produce cavitation.
The above is about the introduction of "single groove industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine equipment principle", I believe you all know, if you want to know more wonderful information, please pay attention to our website, this site will continue to update!









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