来源:http://www.sinokohl.com/ 时间: 2021-07-24 浏览次数: 0
对于超 声 波 清洗机,很多人都还是非常陌生的,现在超 声 波清洗机在我们生活中的应用是非常广泛的,所以很多人都想学习超 声 波 清洗机的操作流程,今天小编就为大家简单的介绍一下超声波清洗机的清洗工艺流程及操作步骤。
Many people are still very unfamiliar with the ultrasonic cleaning machine. Now the ultrasonic cleaning machine is widely used in our life, so many people want to learn the operation process of the ultrasonic cleaning machine. Today, Xiaobian will briefly introduce the cleaning process and operation steps of the ultrasonic cleaning machine.
Cleaning process: feeding - ultrasonic cleaning (cleaning agent) - ultrasonic rinsing (water) - air gun blowing - hot air drying - coating.

The operation steps are as follows:
1. Preparation: add cleaning fluid into the cleaning tank and it is required to reach the predetermined water level (Volume 2 / 3). When the power is turned on, the power indicator light is on, and the panel of the NC area is on. At this time, the instrument is in standby mode.
2. Cleaning timing is not required: press the ultrasonic key, the ultrasonic indicator light will be on for a long time, start ultrasonic cleaning, and the ultrasonic power nixie tube will display the current ultrasonic power value. Press the ultrasonic key again to finish the ultrasonic cleaning.
3. Cleaning timing required: press the timing key, the timing indicator flashes, start ultrasonic cleaning, and the cleaning time nixie tube displays the set time value. Press the ultrasonic key, the ultrasonic indicator light will be on for a long time to start ultrasonic cleaning, and the ultrasonic power nixie tube will display the current ultrasonic power value. The time indicator is on for a long time, and the cleaning time value decreases in 1 minute. When the cleaning time decreases to 0, the buzzer alarms, indicating that the cleaning is over.
4、需要加热时:使用加热功能清洗槽液位容积必 须达到容积2/3处,然后按动加热键,设定加热温度,加热温度指示灯闪烁,加热数码管显示当前水槽温度,加热数码管显示值随着水槽的温度升高变化。(当前水槽温度达到设定温度值时则自动停止加热)。
4. When heating is required: the liquid level volume of the cleaning tank must reach 2 / 3 of the volume by using the heating function, then press the heating key to set the heating temperature, the heating temperature indicator flashes, the heating nixie tube displays the current tank temperature, and the display value of the heating nixie tube changes with the increase of the tank temperature( When the current water tank temperature reaches the set temperature value, the heating will be stopped automatically).
5、功率调节:按超声区域的"∧"键,超声功率数码管显示为上一次设定值增加10%,按超声区域的"∨"键,超 声 波 功率数码管显示为上一次设定减少10%.超声功率设定范围为40%-100%,100%即为此机的功率300W.
5. Power adjustment: press the "∧" key in the ultrasonic area, and the ultrasonic power nixie tube will display that the last set value increases by 10%. Press the "∨" key in the ultrasonic area, and the ultrasonic power nixie tube will display that the last set value decreases by 10%. The ultrasonic power setting range is 40% - 100%, 100%, that is, the power of this machine is 300W
6. When starting each function key (power key, heating key, timing key and ultrasonic key), press the function key for not less than 3 seconds, and then release it. The key interval of each function key shall not be less than 3 seconds.
利用超 声 波 清洗机对工件进行清洗或加工的行业愈来愈多,这是由于它有众多优点。因此,品质有保证的超 声 波 清洗机也受到了人们的欢迎。
More and more industries use ultrasonic cleaning machine to clean or process workpieces, because it has many advantages. Therefore, the ultrasonic cleaning machine with guaranteed quality has also been welcomed by people.